Archery Jeon Hoon-young Olympic Gold Medal

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Because I wasn’t tired… Archery Jeon Hoon-young looks to Olympic gold medal

Late Olympic debut at the age of 30… “It’s true that I feel pressure, but I will enjoy it.”

Ace Im Si-hyun said, “The youngest, Nam Soo-hyun, just has to play.

The burden is on the older sisters.”

Jeon Hoon-young (30, Incheon City Hall), a member of the women’s archery team who is about to make her Olympic debut late, is trying to enjoy the pressure using ‘simplicity’ as her weapon.

Although Jeon Hoon-young often wears the Taegeuk symbol, he has no experience in major competitions such as the Asian Games or Olympics. 카지노사이트

After winning two gold medals at the 2012 Asian Grand Prix 2nd and 2014 World University Championships.

Jeon Hoon-young, who had never won a prize at any other major international competition, was defeated by ‘ace’ Im Si-hyeon (Ace) in the final 2nd evaluation match for the national archery team at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

He won a ticket to the Olympics in second place after Korea National Sport University.

Jeon Hoon-young has been almost unknown until now, but she is now in her first Olympics at the age of 30, and she is pulling her bowstring with the goal of winning her 10th consecutive women’s recurve team event.

Jeon Hoon-young won silver medals in both the women’s individual and team competitions at the 2024 Hyundai Archery World Cup 2nd competition held at Jinho International Archery Range in Yecheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do on the 26th.

In the individual finals, she lost in a shoot-off after a domestic fight with Im Si-hyeon, and in the team finals against China, she also lost in a shoot-off.

She went into the game thinking about making fewer mistakes, and I think that helped her, Jeon Hoon-young said in an interview after her match.

There are now about two months left until the Olympics.

Jeon Hoon-young plans to overcome the tension with a ‘fun attitude’.

Jeon Hoon-young said, “I had fun until the Paris Olympics national team selection competition, but after that, it was true that there was a lot of burden and pressure,” but added, “I will focus only on myself.”

“You just have to do what you’ve done so far,” he said.

In archery, where concentration and mental strength are important, Jeon Hoon-young chose simplicity as his weapon.

Jeon Hoon-young said, “I’m a bit simple.

“Once you change your mind, it resets right away,” he explained.

He passed the selection process, which is said to be harder than piercing the eye of a needle, and has a lot of experience holding a bow, so he is confident enough.

Jeon Hoon-young said, “The most important thing is not to get tired.”

He looked back on his experience and said, “If you enjoy (the game), (the results) will follow.”

Jeon Hoon-young, the eldest member of the women’s national team, tries first to approach Im Si-hyeon (20) and Nam Su-hyeon (19, Suncheon City Hall), who are 10 years younger than her, in order to strengthen teamwork.

Jeon Hoon-young said, “I try to communicate as much as the age difference is.

I want to create a fun atmosphere and show off good performance.”

To the somewhat mischievous question, ‘Do your younger siblings follow you well?’, Jeon Hoon-young was silent for about 4 seconds and then hastily answered, “Yes!”

She then looked at Im Si-hyeon for a moment as they were being interviewed together, making her laugh.

Jeon Hoon-young quickly added, “We get along so well that I don’t even notice the age difference,” and Im Si-hyeon responded, “Of course,” and boasted of their ‘perfect chemistry.’

If Jeon Hoon-young is the eldest, her youngest is Nam Soo-hyun.

Im Si-hyeon, who won three gold medals as the youngest at last year’s Hangzhou Asian Games, said, “The youngest can just have fun.

I really did it while having fun.

The burden is on the older girls.”

He said, “You can have fun and shoot,” and told Nam Soo-hyun.

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